Mutual Funds

1. Equity Mutual Funds:
If you wish to invest solely in company shares, equity-based fund is the perfect choice for you. It offers the option to invest in a selection of stocks to create a balanced portfolio with lesser risk as compared to directly investing in equities because this fund would be managed by professionals. However, since equity-based funds have a higher risk-reward potential, you should think carefully before opting for it.

2. Debt Mutual Funds:
In this option, funds are allocated solely in debt instruments including bonds and commercial paper among other things. It has a low-risk profile and offer regular returns. This is the right choice for investors whose first priority is to protect their investments. However, the returns are not as attractive as in equity-based funds.

3. Money Market Mutual Funds:
These are also known as liquid funds which seek to invest in short-term debt instruments like certificates of deposit, fixed deposits and treasury bills. This option is best for those who prefer higher liquidity and protection of capital over higher returns involving a higher level of risk.

4. Gold Funds:
Gold has been an investment option for millennia and its value has only grown in modern times because of its viability as an investment during periods of financial inflation or when markets are not performing well in general. Traditionally, people have directly invested in gold for all its advantages but with gold funds you can choose to invest in gold through Gold ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds). This lets you avoid the risk of theft or damage associated with investing in physical gold. Gold funds might also invest in shares of companies involved in gold mining.